Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement

As a volunteer for United Way of Northwest Alabama (UWNWL), I understand and recognize that all information concerning UWNWAL's, or its partner agencies' clients is confidential. Unauthorized disclosure or use of any confidential information violates the concerned party's right to privacy and is therefore unacceptable.

I will respect as private and confidential all personal information and data of which I may become aware, and I agree to refrain from disclosing, either directly or indirectly, any confidential information. I further agree to take proactive measures (such as securing client files and not discussing personal information in public areas) to protect the confidentiality of the agencies and individuals that make up or are served through United Way of Northwest Alabama.

I further understand that revealing any information of a confidential nature to ANY outside party, including family members, can result in my immediate termination and/or remedy at law.

This agreement is binding both during and following my association with UWNWAL. This agreement is to be construed and enforced according to the laws of the State of Alabama. The maker hereby agrees that venue shall be in Colbert, Franklin, Lauderdale, and Marion Counties, Alabama.

Confidentiality Agreement