Education, Financial Stability, Health.

The mission of the United Way of North West Alabama is….”to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of the community to create lasting change”

To achieve the greatest impact on lives in our communities, United Way of Northwest Alabama focuses efforts and resources around three core issues: Education, Financial Stability & Health.

In the areas of EDUCATION, United Way invest in programs that are working to ensure that:
• Children enter kindergarten developmentally ready to succeed – socially and cognitively
• Children and youth are safe and secure, and have responsible caring adults in their lives
• Youth contribute to their community by helping others
• Students succeed in school
• Students graduate from high school and successfully transition to work, college, military, and/or skilled trades

In the focus area of FINANCIAL STABILITY, United Way invest in program that are working in ensure that:
• Individuals and families know and access the available resources in the community
• Families have access to affordable quality daycare (children, the disabled, and seniors)
• Individuals and families are economically self-sufficient
• Individuals are financially literate
• Individuals and families have access to emergency and/ or transitional housing

In the focus on HEALTH, United way invest in programs that are working to ensure that:
• Youth and adults have healthy eating and personal hygiene habits, and live healthy lifestyles
• Children and youth have a healthy start to life
• Children, youth, and adults have good vision and dental health
• Youths and adults avoid risky behavior
• Seniors and disabled retain a healthy quality of life

Give. Advocate. Volunteer. LIVE UNITED.